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7 Must-Have CX Software Features You Can't Ignore

7 Must-Have CX Software Features You Can't Ignore

Whether you are managing a restaurant chain, a retail brand, or any multi-location business, having the right Customer Experience (CX) software can make all the difference.

From predictive analytics that forecast trends to automated digital checklists that keep your operations running smoothly, the right CX software can transform not only how you can get insights into customer experience but also how you can take action to improve it. 

But what features should you prioritize when looking for a customer experience solution? 

Here are seven must-have CX software advanced features that can streamline processes, enhance decision-making, and ultimately lead to business growth. 

  1. User and Location Management
  2. Survey and Feedback Management Integration
  3. Case management 
  4. Automation to Drive Action
  5. Data Transfer Capabilities
  6. Cross-Program Analytics and Reporting
  7. Reputation Management

User and Location Management

Effective management of users and organizational structures is essential for businesses with complex organizational structures and multiple locations.

It streamlines communication by ensuring that information flows efficiently through different levels of the organization so relevant data and insights reach the right stakeholders. 

This system also enables customized access control, allowing brands to manage who can view specific data and tools based on their role and position.

Intouch CX software has mechanisms in place to support both manual and automated user management and the organizational hierarchy.

Our hierarchies and user management structures ensure that the right data gets to the right teams, keeping your reporting consistent and accurate across all locations. 

You can also add attributes and tags to segment your data based on specific factors, making it easier to segment, analyze, and compare different parts of your organization.

Survey and Feedback Management Integration

Seamless integration of customer surveys and feedback tools is essential for gathering and analyzing customer input. Plus, it lets customers share complaints directly to you before they take them public online.

A good CX software should make it easy to integrate and build surveys, apply logic, distribute them, and manage data across different locations. This allows businesses to gather meaningful feedback that can be used to improve products, services, and overall customer experience.

One of the key features to look for is sentiment analysis. By analyzing the emotions behind customer feedback, businesses can gain valuable insights into how their customers feel about their offerings, leading to more informed decisions and better customer relationships.

IntouchSurvey™ helps multi-location businesses gain insights into their brand’s performance across the organization, identifying trending issues and gathering valuable feedback. 

The platform also features Sentiment & Text Analytics, which leverages machine learning and natural language processing to organize and analyze unstructured feedback from text and speech. This advanced capability ensures you quickly get meaningful insights from all types of customer input.


Sentiment word cloud by Intouch's CX platform


Case Management

A robust case management system must be able to assign, track, and verify task completion, ensuring that all locations function smoothly and consistently. 

One of the key metrics you should be able to track in your CX software related to case management is time to resolution—the amount of time it takes to resolve an issue from start to finish. 

Tracking this metric allows brands to identify bottlenecks in their processes and make necessary adjustments to improve efficiency. By understanding resolution times, you can enhance overall performance and ensure your team always operates at its best.

Getting the right information to the right people at the right time is another crucial aspect of case management. 

On-demand dashboards and automated reports ensure that specific team members receive actionable insights when they need them most, leading to better decision-making and proactive responses. 

For instance, a grocery store chain uses case management to address compliance issues related to health and safety regulations. 

If a store fails an internal audit — it may be due to cleanliness or food safety issues—a case is created and sent straight to the store's management team. The system tracks every step of the corrective process, like providing extra staff training or updating cleaning procedures, and monitors how long it takes to resolve the issue. 

By keeping an eye on the time to resolution, the brand can quickly identify and address any delays, helping maintain high compliance standards across all locations, reducing the risk of penalties, and ensuring a safe shopping experience for customers.

Intouch Insights’s Case Management solution offers simple and effective task management and collaboration tools to help teams work together more effectively to resolve issues.

Management teams get a bird’s eye view of activities at each location and get information on overall case numbers, statuses, average resolution times, overdue cases, and more.

Automation to Drive Action

Automation is a game-changer for boosting team efficiency, especially when it comes to digital checklists. 

By creating custom workflows, you can streamline follow-up processes and enhance operations seamlessly. Real-time workflows, triggered by specific actions, ensure that managers across multiple locations are always prepared to respond quickly.

One of the biggest benefits of automation is the "set it and forget it" capability. Once you’ve set up triggers, workflows, and rules, your business runs smoothly with minimal oversight—though it’s wise to revisit and refine them periodically. 

This approach not only saves time but also ensures consistency, allowing your team to focus on other priorities while important tasks are handled automatically.

For instance, if you’re managing multiple restaurant locations, maintaining cleanliness is key for health compliance and customer satisfaction. With automated mobile checklists, you can streamline tasks and ensure consistent cleanliness checks.

Set up a workflow to trigger daily, weekly, or hourly tasks, like sending a digital checklist to staff at 9 AM, reminding them to sanitize high-touch areas. Staff can then confirm task completion in the system.

By automating these routines, you keep all locations up to high standards without constant oversight, ensuring compliance and a spotless environment for customers.

Incorporating a digital checklist and inspection software solution like IntouchCheck takes automation a step further, bringing teams together with advanced rules and workflows that don’t just automate tasks—they drive action. 

You can build from simple to complex business rules based on multiple criteria or a trend in performance, helping you maintain smooth operations across all your locations.


Automation hub by Intouch CX Platform


Data Transfer Capabilities

Effective data transfer ensures that information moves seamlessly between platforms, maintaining data integrity and consistency. This is vital for businesses to operate smoothly and prevent disruptions arising from outdated or incomplete data. 

By facilitating smooth migration and data integration, brands can ensure that their records are up-to-date and reliable, supporting informed decision-making and operational efficiency.

The Intouch Insight Platform is designed to enable users to move data easily in and out, leveraging out-of-the-box connectors, webhooks, API, and external data imports. 

This ensures a seamless flow of data between the tools your teams use every day, boosting efficiency, eliminating manual data entry, and simplifying analysis across systems.


Configure webhooks to make seamless data connections


Cross-Program Analytics and Reporting

Using analytics and reporting tools is a must and can be transformative for businesses aiming to gain a competitive edge. 

By analyzing historical data and identifying patterns, companies can make informed decisions that anticipate customer needs, optimize operations, and strategically allocate resources. 

Analytics provide a clear view of what's working and what isn't, enabling businesses to adjust their strategies in real time.

Imagine a QSR brand preparing to launch a limited-time offer (LTO) for a new menu item. A robust platform with analytics capabilities can play a crucial role in ensuring the success of this promotion.

For example, by analyzing operational data to predict busy periods, brands can adjust kitchen workflows and staffing accordingly. 

Additionally, if drive-thru traffic is expected to peak at lunchtime, the brand can prep ingredients and schedule extra staff, improving efficiency and reducing wait times.

Intouch Intelligence simplifies cross-program analysis by seamlessly integrating multiple data sources into a single CX analytics platform. Whether using our built-in survey, audit, or mystery shopping program or connecting external data sources, everything comes together effortlessly.

Intouch CX software also provides pre-built data models and visualizations, enabling you to uncover actionable insights and focus on the tasks that drive the greatest improvements.

Reputation Management

Your brand’s online reputation can either drive your business forward or hold it back.

With the right reputation management tools integrated into your CX software, you can effectively manage and enhance your brand’s image across multiple platforms from a single, centralized location.

Here are important things to look for:

Sentiment Analysis: This feature uncovers the emotions behind customer reviews, offering valuable insights that can guide your strategy and boost customer satisfaction.

Competitor Analysis: Compare your online reputation with competitors to ensure you stay ahead.

Social Listening: Monitor social media conversations to understand customer sentiment and respond to feedback quickly.

Listing Overview: Manage your business listings across various platforms from a central hub, ensuring your brand presence is consistent and professional everywhere customers encounter.

We are excited to introduce our new Reputation Management solution! This innovative offering helps you take control of your online presence with powerful features such as review management, sentiment and competitor analysis, social listening, and more. For more details, reach out to us at



Integrating the right CX software features into your business operations can significantly enhance efficiency, decision-making, and overall performance. 

From advanced case management that ensures operational issues are addressed to automation that streamlines workflows and boosts productivity, these tools are designed to optimize your business processes.

Ready to Elevate Your Operations and CX strategy? Let’s chat about how our CX software can help streamline your processes and drive success.


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