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CX Tech Top-ups: A New Grade-A Feature!

CX Tech Top-ups: A New Grade-A Feature!

At Intouch Insight, we’re constantly working on releasing new features to help you reach the top of your game. We are starting the new year with an enhancement to custom dashboards across the Intouch Insight Platform. 

Threshold Labels

Single-value charts are a great way to display numeric values in your dashboard. For example, this chart type could be used to display the average score of your mystery shop program.

This month, we have added the ability to apply threshold labels to your chart. This new feature will replace the numeric value on a single value chart with the specific threshold label you set. 

A great use case for this feature would be if you wanted to assign specific grades to your score. Similar to a test in school, a label of A+, B+, C+, etc., could be assigned to a specific score range. This label would then replace the numeric value for an easy and quick-to-read summary of the data point. These labels can be used to define your organization's standards of what scores are considered a pass and what is considered a fail.

Assign specific grades such as A+, B+, C+, etc., to your mystery shopping score.



To create a threshold label in your chart, all you need to do is:

    1. Head into your chart and click the Settings tab
    2. Under Threshold Label click Add Threshold
    3. Add your label and input the numeric range
    4. Click Save
Assign labels to replace the numeric values when they are within a threshold range.


Your single-value chart will then display the label that is associated with the numeric value. In the example below, the average mystery shop score was a 65%. Instead of having 65% displayed in the chart, the associated label of “C” replaced the score.

If you or your team have any new ideas or features that you would like to share, please send us an email at

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